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Young Person Definition

A Young Person is defined as someone under the age of 18 but older than 16 years of age. We provide support for young persons and do have additional requirements that all service users must comply with.

Young persons aged 16 years or above are deemed competent to give their own consent to medical treatment.

Any Young Persons attending MUST be accompanied by their legal guardian/parent at all times whilst on the premises.

Gillick Competence Principle creates an opportunity for young persons to make their own decisions, however here at Show your Bump we acknowledge that pregnancy at a young age can be a very daunting experience and feel Legal guardians/parents need to attend to provide and support or guidance.

All Young persons should wait until at least the 9th week of pregnancy before attending your appointment.

If the guidelines are not followed this can result in a cancellation of your appointment.

Show Your Bump employees are CQC Enhanced DBS checked for Adult & Child workforce